Post by kadence on Aug 18, 2009 5:34:49 GMT -5
• »Kadence Dafne Valentine« • [/font] ♥Just another bitch ♥Trinity Member who has been strutting for fifteen years! ♥Just another face seen with those Slytherins! ♥Breaking the heart of those poor, innocent boys! ♥Now, give your applause and bow down before her.[/font] ☺YOUKEEPMEGOING☺ ``INSEPERABLEwe've gotta meet half way ``OTHERHALFvoice reminds me of a friend ``LIKEFAMILYtake my hand, i'll bring you safely to home ``BESTFRIENDSthe road we take will be the long one ``PARTNERSINCRIMEall those late nights walking through front doors at day break ``CLOSEFRIENDSi'll be there, like you've been there ``FRIENDSSINCECHILDHOODbreak me, tell me as i die for you ``CONFIDANTso hold on tight, don't leave me ``ONANDOFFyou've seen my worst, i've seen your best ``FRIENDSi'm not ready to let you down ``PARTYFRIENDSthis one's to all of us sitting around here on Friday night ``DRINKINGFRIENDSraise all of your glasses high ``FAMILYFRIENDSi've been looking for a safe way out ``NEWFRIENDSi found out what I've been missing ``SECRETFRIENDSbreathe slow, don't move ``ACQUAINTANCESam i not everything you need ``FRENEMIESa single note that always rings off key ``ONCEENEMIESaway from this place where I've been to long ``FRIENDOFANOTHERFRIENDi could save you ``FAKEFRIENDScan you tell me to my face, stop lying ``JUSTMETso where are you now ``FIRSTNAMEBASISscream my name
↓THEONESIAVOID↓ ``HARDCOREripped in pieces, you're my perfect tragedy ``ONE-WAYHATREDcross my heart i hope you die ``MUTUALHATREDknow one knows what i've done ``ONE-WAYDISLIKEas i take every breath from you ``MUTUALDISLIKEi shoot from the hip and watch you fall ``ENEMIESalways comes back to that first time ``COMPETITIONtake ten steps now turn and draw ``LOVEHATEeverything you've ever loved has left you ``FORMERFRIENDSa farwell to a friendship ``BACKSTABBEDi've lost all hope in you ``PUREJEALOUSYshow no mercy ``RIVALSthe beat of war reigns on ``AVOIDANCEnever coming back, no not tonight ``ANNOYINGbittersweet the taste is like ash in my mouth ``TOLLERANCElife is dark with your eyes always closed ``SCAREDOFget away from this, leave it all behind ``FRIENDLYsilly me for thinking honesty is something given free
♥TAKEMYBREATHAWAY♥ ``FINALi will always love you ``FIANCEi wanna be your rock & roll for old time's sake ``CURRENTi won't let you go down that road to emotional overdose ``FUTUREand when i wake up tomorrow ``GOODTERMS-EXflashbacks are a force of habit ``BADTERMS-EXa tragic ending ``CURRENTTFLINGi stole your heart, ripped it out ``FUTUREFLINGtrying to know what i really want ``PASTFLINGthere's just no better way ``CRUSHONKIKIyou're shaking this poor boys world ``KIKICRUSHINGONMEbrought the world a little love ``PASTCRUSHthese bed sheets tell lies ``MUTUALCRUSHit's in your eyes and i want so much more, but you're not giving ``FORBIDDENa day when I am not afraid to look away ``SECRETnothing is safe, nothing is where it should be ``OBSESSIONwonder if it's instinct or addiction ``FRIENDSWITHBENEFITSbittersweet every touch, still burning in my memory ``ENEMIESWITHBENEFITSdrank until it all became a blur ``PHYSICALATTRACTIONa kiss of lovers's lips ``FLIRTi'll stay true to my heart and myself ``ONENIGHTSTANDgot a picture perfect memory under covers ``LUSTheartbreak baby is half the fun ``SEXUALTENSIONnot a drop of your innocence when you shiver ``FLEETINGGLANCESi can see a pain to deep to kiss away ``PAST-STILLCHEMISTRY.take my heart like money and run
◄LOOKATMENOW► ``IMMEDIATEFAMILY(SPECIFY)i'll never take you for granted ``DISTANTFAMILY(SPECIFY)i find myself alone out here ``EMOTIONALSUPPORTdon't stand alone, you can count on me ``GOODINFLUENCEopen your eyes and repeat after me ``BADINFLUENCEthese complications will bring us to our knees ``ADMIRATIONhere's an offer you can't refuse ``RESPECTface the truth `` MIXEDFEELINGSknow something you'll never know ``ROLEMODELa picture of you crosses my mind ``PROTECTIVEOFKIKIyou're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies ``KIKIPROTECTIVEOFMEsave a friend in need ``ROOMMATEthis place called home tonight ``OTHER(SPECIFY)that you painted so well[/color][/font] ``CREDITS!
This page was made by Meggert of Blank Pages 2.0 Lyrics from the lovely band known as A Change of Pace. Dedication and effort was put into the plot page, so be a doll and keep the credits here. If not, I'll track you down and release my mighty kung-fu powers on you. *nods* Colors found by the fabulous Color Blender[/size][/color][/i][/CENTER]
Post by kadence on Aug 18, 2009 5:36:47 GMT -5
[size=0]``INSEPERABLE[color=6633FF]we've gotta meet half way[/color] ``OTHERHALF[color=6141FF]voice reminds me of a friend[/color] ``LIKEFAMILY[color=5D4FFF]take my hand, i'll bring you safely to home[/color] ``BESTFRIENDS[color=585DFF]the road we take will be the long one[/color] ``PARTNERSINCRIME[color=536BFF]all those late nights walking through front doors at day break[/color] ``CLOSEFRIENDS[color=4F79FF]i'll be there, like you've been there[/color] ``FRIENDSSINCECHILDHOOD[color=4A86FF]break me, tell me as i die for you[/color] ``CONFIDANT[color=4694FF]so hold on tight, don't leave me[/color] ``ONANDOFF[color=41A2FF]you've seen my worst, i've seen your best[/color] ``FRIENDS[color=3CB0FF]i'm not ready to let you down[/color] ``PARTYFRIENDS[color=38BEFF]this one's to all of us sitting around here on Friday night[/color] ``DRINKINGFRIENDS[color=33CCFF]raise all of your glasses high[/color] ``FAMILYFRIENDS[color=46D1FF]i've been looking for a safe way out[/color] ``NEWFRIENDS[color=58D5FF]i found out what I've been missing[/color] ``SECRETFRIENDS[color=6BDAFF]breathe slow, don't move[/color] ``ACQUAINTANCES[color=7DDFFF]am i not everything you need[/color] ``FRENEMIES[color=90E3FF]a single note that always rings off key[/color] ``ONCEENEMIES[color=A2E8FF]away from this place where I've been to long[/color] ``FRIENDOFANOTHERFRIEND[color=B5ECFF]i could save you[/color] ``FAKEFRIENDS[color=BCEEFF]can you tell me to my face, stop lying[/color] ``JUSTMET[color=C2EFFF]so where are you now[/color] ``FIRSTNAMEBASIS[color=C9F1FF]scream my name[/color][/size]
[size=0]``HARDCORE[color=86E4A1]ripped in pieces, you're my perfect tragedy[/color] ``ONE-WAYHATRED[color=8CE6A0]cross my heart i hope you die[/color] ``MUTUALHATRED[color=93E9A0]know one knows what i've done[/color] ``ONE-WAYDISLIKE[color=99EB9F]as i take every breath from you[/color] ``MUTUALDISLIKE[color=9FEE9E]i shoot from the hip and watch you fall[/color] ``ENEMIES[color=A6F09D]always comes back to that first time[/color] ``COMPETITION[color=ACF39D]take ten steps now turn and draw[/color] ``LOVEHATE[color=B3F59C]everything you've ever loved has left you[/color] ``FORMERFRIENDS[color=B9F89B]a farwell to a friendship[/color] ``BACKSTABBED[color=BFFA9A]i've lost all hope in you[/color] ``PUREJEALOUSY[color=C6FD9A]show no mercy[/color] ``RIVALS[color=CCFF99]the beat of war reigns on[/color] ``AVOIDANCE[color=CCFF9E]never coming back, no not tonight[/color] ``ANNOYING[color=CCFFA2]bittersweet the taste is like ash in my mouth[/color] ``TOLLERANCE[color=CCFFA7]life is dark with your eyes always closed[/color] ``SCAREDOF[color=CCFFAC]get away from this, leave it all behind[/color] ``FRIENDLY[color=CCFFB0]silly me for thinking honesty is something given free[/color][/size]
[size=0]``FINAL[color=FF3366]i will always love you[/color] ``FIANCE[color=FF386B]i wanna be your rock & roll for old time's sake[/color] ``CURRENT[color=FF3C6F]i won't let you go down that road to emotional overdose[/color] ``FUTURE[color=FF4174]and when i wake up tomorrow[/color] ``GOODTERMS-EX[color=FF4679]flashbacks are a force of habit[/color] ``BADTERMS-EX[color=FF4A7D]a tragic ending[/color] ``CURRENTTFLING[color=FF4F82]i stole your heart, ripped it out[/color] ``FUTUREFLING[color=FF5386]trying to know what i really want[/color] ``PASTFLING[color=FF588B]there's just no better way[/color] ``CRUSHON*PLOTOWNERNAME*[color=FF5D90]you're shaking this poor boys world[/color] ``*PLOTOWNERNAME*CRUSHINGON*CHARACTERNAME*[color=FF6194]brought the world a little love[/color] ``PASTCRUSH[color=FF6699]these bed sheets tell lies[/color] ``MUTUALCRUSH[color=FF6B99]it's in your eyes and i want so much more, but you're not giving[/color] ``FORBIDDEN[color=FF6F99]a day when I am not afraid to look away[/color] ``SECRET[color=FF7499]nothing is safe, nothing is where it should be[/color] ``OBSESSION[color=FF7999]wonder if it's instinct or addiction[/color] ``FRIENDSWITHBENEFITS[color=FF7D99]bittersweet every touch, still burning in my memory[/color] ``ENEMIESWITHBENEFITS[color=FF8299]drank until it all became a blur[/color] ``PHYSICALATTRACTION[color=FF8699]a kiss of lovers's lips[/color] ``FLIRT[color=FF8B99]i'll stay true to my heart and myself[/color] ``ONENIGHTSTAND[color=FF9099]got a picture perfect memory under covers[/color] ``LUST[color=FF9499]heartbreak baby is half the fun[/color] ``SEXUALTENSION[color=FF9999]not a drop of your innocence when you shiver[/color] ``FLEETINGGLANCES[color=FF9E9E]i can see a pain to deep to kiss away[/color] ``PAST-STILLCHEMISTRY.[color=FFA2A2]take my heart like money and run[/color][/size]
[size=0]``IMMEDIATEFAMILY(SPECIFY)[color=CC00CC]i'll never take you for granted[/color] ``DISTANTFAMILY(SPECIFY)[color=CC09D5]i find myself alone out here[/color] ``EMOTIONALSUPPORT[color=CC11DD]don't stand alone, you can count on me[/color] ``GOODINFLUENCE[color=CC1AE6]open your eyes and repeat after me[/color] ``BADINFLUENCE[color=CC22EE]these complications will bring us to our knees[/color] ``ADMIRATION[color=CC2BF7]here's an offer you can't refuse[/color] ``RESPECT[color=CC33FF]face the truth[/color] `` MIXEDFEELINGS[color=CC44FF]know something you'll never know[/color] ``ROLEMODEL[color=CC55FF]a picture of you crosses my mind[/color] ``PROTECTIVEOF*PLOTOWNERNAME*[color=CC66FF]you're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies[/color] ``*PLOTOWNERNAME*PROTECTIVEOF*CHARACTERNAME*[color=CC77FF]save a friend in need[/color] ``ROOMMATE[color=CC88FF]this place called home tonight[/color] ``OTHER(SPECIFY)[color=CC99FF]that you painted so well[/color][/size][/color][/font]
Christian Ashal Rich seventeen/jock/my sunshine ``FORBIDDENa day when I am not afraid to look away ``SECRETnothing is safe, nothing is where it should be ``OBSESSIONwonder if it's instinct or addiction ``FRIENDSWITHBENEFITSbittersweet every touch, still burning in my memory [/COLOR] character says;[/FONT] "I love her."[/COLOR][/SIZE] plotowner says;[/FONT] "he's my one and only."[/COLOR][/SIZE] character thinks;[/FONT] 'i want to marry this girl!'[/SIZE] plotowner thinks;[/FONT] he's my everything.'[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]THREE[/IMG][IMG]MATCHING[/IMG][IMG]ICONS[/IMG] [color=404040][size=6][FONT=GEORGIA][i][COLOR=33CCFF FORBOYS FF4A7D FORGIRLS]character full name[/COLOR] age in words/house/i'll fill in[/i][/font][/size][/color] [FONT=GEORGIA][COLOR=404040]Relationships here. Copy above for colors, please and thank you. Also, there's seventy-seven different options, be creative, and different[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=5][COLOR=404040][FONT=GEORGIA]character says;[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=GEORGIA][SIZE=4][I]"what your character has to say about my character."[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][COLOR=404040][FONT=GEORGIA]plotowner says;[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=GEORGIA][SIZE=4][I]"leave this part for me to fill in"[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=5][FONT=GEORGIA]character thinks;[/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=404040][FONT=GEORGIA][SIZE=4][I]'what your character thinks about my character, but hasn't said aloud.'[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][FONT=GEORGIA]plotowner thinks;[/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=404040][FONT=GEORGIA][SIZE=4][I]once again, please leave this for me to fill in'[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
Post by kadence on Feb 12, 2010 15:35:53 GMT -5
dale wilkes seventeen/slytherin/my almost lover ``ONANDOFFyou've seen my worst, i've seen your best ``FRIENDSi'm not ready to let you down ``LOVEHATEeverything you've ever loved has left you ``CRUSHONKIKIyou're shaking this poor boys world ``OBSESSIONwonder if it's instinct or addiction ``PHYSICALATTRACTIONa kiss of lovers's lips ``FLIRTi'll stay true to my heart and myself ``LUSTheartbreak baby is half the fun ``ADMIRATIONhere's an offer you can't refuse ``RESPECTface the truth ``PROTECTIVEOFKIKIyou're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies [/COLOR] dale says;[/FONT] "It’s complicated, let’s just stick with that for starters. I could bore you with a long story of how we became friends and how perfect a match we were, but I promised myself not to get too sentimental. No, what’s important is this girl and what she did to me, as she has done to so many others. Kiki…she’s a personality you are bound to love from first sight. I know ‘cause I did the same thing. We had something perfect running between us and I blew it. I guess it was for the better, I mean…I never really did anything good around her. I won’t stop fighting for her, but Sparrow is a better choice. This isn’t just about the chase. I would never say this out loud, and I’m only going to say it once, so listen carefully; I love her! I know…I should have told her when I had the chance, but I didn’t – end of line. And now? It’s complicated – that’s the conclusion I turn to every time. It’s not the typical itch I can’t scratch. Everything in my body hungers for her! Just a single touch, just a single glance…It’s driving me mad! I…I…I think I’ve spilt my heart out enough for one day."[/COLOR][/SIZE] kiki says;[/FONT] "Dale isn't exactly someone I'm willing to talk about. So, it's going to be short and to the point. I liked him. I really, really, really liked him. He was everything to me, in more ways than one. And then he fucked it up. I won't ever go back down that path. I'm happy now, and I don't need to dwell on how perfect we might have been for each other back then. He hurt me, and he's not coming back into my life unless he apologizes. And I mean grovels on the fucking ground."[/COLOR][/SIZE] dale thinks;[/FONT] 'I should have told her how I felt a long time ago. Truth is; I love her. Always have, always will.'[/SIZE] kiki thinks;[/FONT] I think I might have loved him at one point. But I'll never know if it was love or something else.'[/SIZE][/CENTER] Lucas Rialto Juarez sixteen/hufflepuff/my sugar booger``INSEPERABLEwe've gotta meet half way ``OTHERHALFvoice reminds me of a friend ``LIKEFAMILYtake my hand, i'll bring you safely to home ``BESTFRIENDSthe road we take will be the long one ``CONFIDANTso hold on tight, don't leave me ``COMPETITIONtake ten steps now turn and draw ``CURRENTTFLINGi stole your heart, ripped it out ``FORBIDDENa day when I am not afraid to look away ``FRIENDSWITHBENEFITSbittersweet every touch, still burning in my memory ``FLIRTi'll stay true to my heart and myself ``EMOTIONALSUPPORTdon't stand alone, you can count on me ``GOODINFLUENCEopen your eyes and repeat after me ``ADMIRATIONhere's an offer you can't refuse ``RESPECTface the truth ``PROTECTIVEOFKIKIyou're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies [/COLOR] lucas says;[/FONT] Oh Dios, Kiki. I have to admit, we weren't really friends until the day I came out. It was a progression of times we hung out over the rest of the shoolyear that got us where we are, but now I wouldn't trade this girl for the world. I've never met anyone I connect with like I do with her, and of course there's always the fact that she's gorgeous and knows her way around a closet (in more ways that one). And oh my god, her shoes. Honestly, it's a little ridiculous that it's taken us so long to be friends. More recently we've bonded over heartbreak and cookie dough, but it's going to be a while before we get sick of each other. I'm not even sure if a day will come where that is possible. Kiki is quote possibly the definition of the girl I would marry...if she weren't a girl. We've actually had this conversation quite a few times, and Kiki often tells me how annoyed she is that I'm gay. Oh well, if I weren't we wouldn't be able to talk about shoes. Or boys. She's the kind of girl I see myself being friends with for a really long time, if only because she brings a little stability to the life I can't ever seem to take control of. Love you, Honey Bee.[/COLOR][/SIZE] kiki says;[/FONT] "Oh my god, Lucas. I really don’t think enough words were invented to explain my love for Lucas Rialto Juarez. Here’s the thing. I’m a bitch. I’m completely aware of this. There are some people I judge and some people I pick on. Because I’m me. I’m Kiki fucking Valentine. But gays? Hell no. Severen’s parents are gay, how fucking horrible would that be if I were an ignorant son of a bitch when it came to that subject? It was natural for me to defend Lucas and Johnny. I was in no way letting Wes and his crappy asshole mood ruin them. So I did some damage control. But, Lucas is such a sweet guy, he had to thank me, and then he loved my shoes. It was literally meant to be. He’s my best friend in the whole entire fucking world and nothing with change that. I mean, yeah, Skye and Tori come first, and all that junk. But Lucas? Lucas is special. He’s my Sugar Booger. He’s the only one that I can eat cookie dough and shop for shoes properly with. He’s my Lucas. And I mean that. If anyone messes with him? Those bitches are answering to me. Even if he can protect himself, I don’t give a damn. Lucas is my big brother. He’s mine. I mean, he saved me from getting raped, for Christ sakes. There’s no one more grateful for Lucas Juarez than me. Except for maybe Johnny. But I’d be willing to fight. I’ll always fight for Lucas. Always."[/COLOR][/SIZE] lucas thinks;[/FONT] "Love this girl to death. She's my Honey Bee."[/SIZE] kiki thinks;[/FONT] ’Mmm. If my Sugar Booger was straight. You don’t even know.'[/SIZE][/CENTER] chace morgan maier fifteen/gryffindor/my big brother``PARTNERSINCRIMEall those late nights walking through front doors at day break ``CLOSEFRIENDSi'll be there, like you've been there ``FRIENDSSINCECHILDHOODbreak me, tell me as i die for you ``CONFIDANTso hold on tight, don't leave me ``PARTYFRIENDSthis one's to all of us sitting around here on Friday night ``DRINKINGFRIENDSraise all of your glasses high ``FAMILYFRIENDSi've been looking for a safe way out ``GOODTERMS-EXflashbacks are a force of habit ``PASTCRUSHthese bed sheets tell lies ``PHYSICALATTRACTIONa kiss of lovers's lips ``FLIRTi'll stay true to my heart and myself ``EMOTIONALSUPPORTdon't stand alone, you can count on me ``GOODINFLUENCEopen your eyes and repeat after me ``RESPECTface the truth `` MIXEDFEELINGSknow something you'll never know ``PROTECTIVEOFKIKIyou're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies [/COLOR] chace says;[/FONT] "Oh, Kiki Valentine. Lemme tell you something about this girl: I absolutely adore her. We knew each other as kids - high-society pureblood bullshit and all that - and she's one of the few people who actually knows about my little sister. And the amazing thing is that she's so great around her, you know? Perfect patience, it's fantastic. Kiki isn't my best friend, but we're damn close. We even dated a little bit, near the end of third year. I know, right? So very young. But she was already dating Cameron, and then the pisshead broke up with her. She and I started going out for a bit then. I'd liked her, a lot, for a while, so I mean... I don't want to say that I jumped at the chance to date her, but really, I kinda sorta did. Well, whatever. We dated, and she was my first kiss. And we were close and things were great. And then Cameron just had to butt his ugly ass head in and demand she be his girlfriend again. Yeah, bullshit, right? Whatever. So Kiki broke it off, and I was a little mad. I didn't speak to her for a bit. But I missed her, you know? We'd dated for a bit, but she was always my friend. I wanted that, if nothing else. So I apologised for being a jerk, and now we're cool again. Kiki's amazing and I care about her. A lot."[/COLOR][/SIZE] kiki says;[/FONT] "Ohmygod, Chace. You don't even know how much I love this boy! We met a long time ago, actually. Our families were both really high class and high society people, so we were bound to meet. I mean, we were kids, it's not like I could really form an opinion about him when we were younger.And then we got to Hogwarts, and I started to realize how ridiculously good looking he was. And we quickly became friends. I didn't really give a damn that he was Gryffindor, and as much as The Trinity was trying to keep up a reputation, I put it aside for Chace. We got really close, and when my dad died, he was there for me like no one else could be. When I started dating Cameron, things started getting more serious with Chace and I. it was getting to the point where I thought I was going to have to break-up with Cam, but then, lone behold, Cameron beat me to the punch right before the end of my third year. I couldn't have been happier. I went straight to Chace to tell him, and almost instantly, we were together. I was his first kiss, and hot damn, was it a good one. He was such a sweetheart, and I really liked him. But after just a couple of weeks, Cameron came crawling back like a dumbass, begging me to come back, and I just had to. My mom was suffering financially, and I knew I missed him. When I told Chace, he obviously wasn't happy. He stopped talking to me for a while, and I was really upset, but he came around eventually, and now, he's one of my closest friends. He's always got my back, and I'll never let him down."[/COLOR][/SIZE] chace thinks;[/FONT] 'You're special to me.'[/SIZE] kiki thinks;[/FONT] He'll always have a place in my heart.'[/SIZE][/CENTER] Noah Lee Orchard seventeen/seventh/my could’ve been``ONE-WAYDISLIKE as i take every breath from you``LOVEHATE everything you've ever loved has left you``FORMERFRIENDS a farwell to a friendship``BADTERMS-EX a tragic ending``ONENIGHTSTAND got a picture perfect memory under covers ``PAST-STILLCHEMISTRY. take my heart like money and runNoah says; [/FONT] " Kiki is a guy's girl, I like that. I could talk with her, flirt shamelessly, and everything would be normal the next day. That kind of a woman is a rare breed. Our friendship was mutual, beneficial, and a hell of a lot of fun. Then Cameron, our muggle friend, decides to screw her over and cheat on her. The summer before my sixth year, she was devastated, I could see that. All I wanted was to make her feel better, so I did what I do best. We slept together and that's the moment it got complicated. I liked her, was interested in her, but you know me, there was a lot of stuff going down that summer. I'd just....I visited California and learned what love meant, and what it meant to lose it. I wasn't in any condition to steadily date Kiki, and I didn't want to hurt her. I just wanted to see ALL that Hogwarts had to offer. After that, things got awkward. I haven't talked to her for a long time, I'm giving her space, but I'd sure like to."[/COLOR][/SIZE] Kiki says;[/FONT] " We met my first year, and he was just...perfect. He always knew what to say, how to make me smile, everything. He was there for me when my dad died. He was always there for me. Then, I started dating Cam. The summer before my fourth year, I brought Noah home for vacation time with me, and I introduced them. They hit it off really well, and Noah started spending more and more time with us. When I found out Cam was cheating on me, I went to Noah. He was there for me, and I ended up sleeping with him. For a while, it felt like things were going well. I was falling for him, fast, so I thought I was going to break up with Cam to be with Noah. He seemed to want it just as much as I did, but when I told him the plan, he told me he couldn't handle the commitment, and he didn't want to get hurt again. I was devastated, and I really haven't talked to him since. There are times when I really, really miss him. And there are times that I'm happy he's not in my life anymore. But, I always go back to missing him. I still do."[/COLOR][/SIZE] noah thinks;[/FONT] ’She’s worth not giving up on.'[/SIZE] Kiki thinks;[/FONT] ’It’s…complicated.’[/SIZE] sam jeffrey raisz sixteen/slytherin/favorite make-out buddy``PARTNERSINCRIMEall those late nights walking through front doors at day break ``CLOSEFRIENDSi'll be there, like you've been there ``CONFIDANTso hold on tight, don't leave me ``PARTYFRIENDSthis one's to all of us sitting around here on Friday night ``DRINKINGFRIENDSraise all of your glasses high ``FLIRTi'll stay true to my heart and myself ``EMOTIONALSUPPORTdon't stand alone, you can count on me ``GOODINFLUENCEopen your eyes and repeat after me ``ADMIRATIONhere's an offer you can't refuse ``RESPECTface the truth ``PROTECTIVEOFKIKIyou're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies ``PROTECTIVEOFSAMsave a friend in need ``OTHER(HOUSEMATE, MAKEOUT BUDDY)that you painted so well[/COLOR] sam says;[/FONT] "Oh, my Kibbles. I love her. I met her years ago, back in her first year. Tori had recently befriended Kiki and Skye, and she introduced me to them at the same time. Kiki immediately drew me in with her charm and sheer cuteness. Yes, I said cuteness. Shut it. When it comes to Kibbles, I'm allowed to say that sort of shit. Whatever. Kiki means a lot to me. I'm not as close to her as I am to Tori - fuck, I don't think I'll love anyone the way I love Tori - but that aside, Kiki has become important to me, and I can't imagine my life without her anymore. She's a good friend, and a good person. I do watch out for her, even if I don't really need to, simply because I care about her and like knowing she's okay. Yeah, fuck it, I can get sentimental when I care about someone. I care about Kiki, a lot. So what?"[/COLOR][/SIZE] kiki says;[/FONT] "Sam, darling! I absolutely love him! We met through Tori, of course. Naturally, a rule for the Trinity was to never let boys get in the way of our time together in any way, but Sam was always the exception. He trusts me, you know? I trust him, too. And I can really be myself around him. Nothing with us is ever awkward, and I love that. He can give me piggy back rides, and rub my feet, and bring me chocolate, and we can be silly together, and I know nothing will change. He's just Sam! And I wouldn't change him for anything in the world."[/COLOR][/SIZE] sam thinks;[/FONT] 'I value you. I know, that sounds weird, but I do.'[/SIZE] kiki thinks;[/FONT] 'I love you, baby!'[/SIZE][/CENTER] & ladies
[/right] wendy eliza palmer sixteen/gryffindor/my mommy away from home``CLOSEFRIENDSi'll be there, like you've been there ``CONFIDANTso hold on tight, don't leave me ``PARTYFRIENDSthis one's to all of us sitting around here on Friday night ``DRINKINGFRIENDSraise all of your glasses high ``EMOTIONALSUPPORTdon't stand alone, you can count on me ``GOODINFLUENCEopen your eyes and repeat after me ``RESPECTface the truth ``PROTECTIVEOFKIKIyou're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies ``PROTECTIVEOFWENDYsave a friend in need [/COLOR] wendy says;[/FONT] "Kiki!! I love my little Kiki Valentine. Well, really, with a surname like Valentine, it's impossible to not love her. Hah, I'm joking. But I still do love her. She's such a little cutie. We met around two years ago now, in my fourth year and her third, at a party where quite a lot of drinking was going on. I noticed Kiki was getting rather tipsy - oh, gosh, don't think I would have ratted her out. No, I wasn't exactly the most straight-laced girl myself. Still, I worried a bit when an older bloke began to flirt with her and she went with it far too easily. Yeah, that was certainly the influence of a certan Jack Daniels. In any case, I could see that the idiot had a goal in mind with her, and I stepped in to interfere before Kiki ended up making a mistake that I knew she'd regret - for a morning, at least, if not forever. Right. I ended up keeping a close watch on her for the rest of the party, and she stuck near me, so it worked out and she was all safe and everything. We've been pretty close since then - not best friends by any means, but like I said, I adore this girl. She calls me 'mommy'. It's so cute."[/COLOR][/SIZE] kiki says;[/FONT] "Oh, my god, Mommy. I fucking love this girl! Back in my third year, The Trinity got invited to this party. And we were all excited about it because it was one of our big chances to show the school that The Trinity was not to be fucked with. I met Wendy there, and I liked her almost immediately. She was such a friggin' sweetheart and she ended up saving me from having sex with some random guy. And then, I just loved her. We started hanging out more, and she loves her parties, just like I do. She's always looking out for me, so I call her mommy; she's probably one of my favorite people in the world. No lie. I fucking love Wendy Palmer."[/COLOR][/SIZE] wendy thinks;[/FONT] 'You are absolutely lovely, but I think sometimes you need to watch yourself. I don't want you getting in trouble when I'm not there to bail you out, hon.'[/SIZE] kiki thinks;[/FONT] 'I love my mommy.'[/SIZE][/CENTER] imogen amy sauveterre fifteen/ravenclaw/biggest bitch at Hogwarts``HARDCOREripped in pieces, you're my perfect tragedy ``MUTUALHATREDknow one knows what i've done ``ENEMIESalways comes back to that first time ``COMPETITIONtake ten steps now turn and draw ``PUREJEALOUSYshow no mercy ``RIVALSthe beat of war reigns on
[/COLOR] imogen says;[/FONT] "God damn, Chlamydia Valentine. Look, I hate her. No two ways about it. I absolutely detest her existence. She's a bitch. I can't respect her. She and her friends strut around Hogwarts as if they own the frigging place and they haven't done a single damn thing to earn anyone's admiration or fear or whatever it is they expect. And Valentine? Valentine is probably one of the most dangerous, venomous girls in the entire school. Sure, she looks all cute and sweet and innocent, and you bet your ass she can act that way, too. But beneath that dollface is a wretched little monster. It's such a shame I can't avoid her all the damn time. But, being in the same year, we're bound to have some classes together. She and I were partnered together once in first year for a Potions class - and we were never paired together again. I guess Slughorn didn't appreciate two of his students yelling at each other over who was crushing the ingredients the right way. Sucks to his assmar. I swear the air around her is infected with hatred and diseases and other harmful shit. And you know what? I'm absolutely fine with hating her. Most people I might try to salvage things with, or at least act civil toward. But Valentine and her other little girlfriends? Oh, hell no. There is no way she and I will ever be on good terms."[/COLOR][/SIZE] kiki says;[/FONT] "Ugh, I hate this girl. For some god awful reason, Sev thinks she's interesting, so The Trinity has to put up with her. I absolutely can't stand her. Every time she opens her mouth, Sev starts drooling, like pearls of wisdom are just dropping from her mouth. It's disgusting. Severen may not see her for what she really is, but I do. A fake. A bitch. She's not worth my time. She's not worth Sev's time. She acts like I'm just some bug on the bottom of her shoe, and I really don't think she knows how deadly I can be to her reputation."[/COLOR][/SIZE] imogen thinks;[/FONT] 'Look, fine, whatever. I admit it. I'm jealous of Kiki. She and her friends may be horrible little cretins, but they're all so close to each other, and so comfortable, and Kiki has this beauty and confidence that I just can't ever don't have. Yeah, I'm jealous. Shut up.'[/SIZE] kiki thinks;[/FONT] 'She's absolutely beautiful and I hate her for it. I hate that she's got so many guys friends and they seem to want ot be around her, not because of her obvious beauty, but because she's smart and funny and witty. Whatever. It's not like I'll ever admit that out loud.'[/SIZE][/CENTER] juliette jolene benoit fifteen/hufflepuff/my little designer
``CONFIDANTso hold on tight, don't leave me ``FRIENDSi'm not ready to let you down ``PARTYFRIENDSthis one's to all of us sitting around here on Friday night ``SCAREDOFget away from this, leave it all behind ``BADINFLUENCEthese complications will bring us to our knees ``ADMIRATIONhere's an offer you can't refuse ``RESPECTface the truth ``ROLEMODELa picture of you crosses my mind ``PROTECTIVEOFKIKIyou're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies ``PROTECTIVEOFJULIETTEsave a friend in need ``OTHER(FASHIONBUDDIES)that you painted so well
[/COLOR] juliette says;[/FONT] "Omigosh, Kiki! Coolest. Slytherin. Ever. Well, next to Tori and Skye, anyway! She was the first of the Trinity to befriend me, and, of course, we talked fashion. I always thought color-coordination was one of the seven heavenly virtues! And there were three of them in the Trinity and all were best friends! How could they NOT coordinate at least their accessories? It was a sin! So I approached Kiki (out of the three she was the most approachable) and told her my idea. At first, I think she thought I was crazy but I could tell that my suggestion had been working on her by the time I saw her next. We talked for a bit and, as it turned out, she’d been thinking about what I had to say and she and Tori and Skye had all unanimously agreed that I was right: coordination was indeed something that would enhance their natural trendy style and, what was better, they wanted ME to design their outfits for them. Cool, huh? And in return I get to go to all the posh parties and the vacations and the shopping trips and, well... I love every minute of it. "[/COLOR][/SIZE] kiki says;[/FONT] "Jules. I absolutely love this girl. Usually, The Trinity is completely against making friends with other houses, especially Hufflepuffs. But I made Jules the exception. We met out first year here, back when things with The Trinity were just getting started. She made some comment passing by that we would be a lot more popular if our clothes matched. At first, Tori and Skye and I just blew it off as just another jealous girl. But when I started to think about it, I knew she was right. So, a week later, Jules was inducted into the life of The Trinity. She started designing our clothes, giving us hair tips, and coordinating our outfits. In exchange for her services, she was invited to endless amounts of parties, accompanied The Trinity to every school and social event, and even was allowed to tag along with us on a couple of vacations. After the first couple of years, we really started to like Jules. She was like us in a lot of ways, and we stood up for her. The Trinity will always have her back, and that's a promise. "[/COLOR][/SIZE] juliette thinks;[/FONT] '’I wish I was Kiki, sometimes. She’s got it all.'[/SIZE] kiki thinks;[/FONT] She’s a good kid. Too bad I’m about to completely change that.'[/SIZE][/CENTER] audrey jocelyn bingblott fifteen/slytherin/my little angel``PARTNERSINCRIMEall those late nights walking through front doors at day break ``CLOSEFRIENDSi'll be there, like you've been there ``FRIENDSSINCECHILDHOODbreak me, tell me as i die for you ``CONFIDANTso hold on tight, don't leave me ``PARTYFRIENDSthis one's to all of us sitting around here on Friday night ``FAMILYFRIENDSi've been looking for a safe way out ``EMOTIONALSUPPORTdon't stand alone, you can count on me ``ADMIRATIONhere's an offer you can't refuse ``RESPECTface the truth ``KIKIPROTECTIVEOFAUDREYsave a friend in need ``ROOMMATEthis place called home tonight [/COLOR] audrey says;[/FONT] "So. I kind-of love this girl. And you know what? I actually mean it. No, seriously. Kiki's...Kiki's something, all right. I've known her for years - feels like my whole life, but maybe a little less. We always ended up hanging out together at social functions when we were kids dressed in poufy, itchy dresses and too-tight shoes, feeling hot and uncomfortable and wanting nothing more than to simply go outside and play. She was one of those few people who never made fun of my stutter - instead, she actually stuck up for me! Not a lot of people would do that for me, really. I remember the first time she did it. Haha, shoved the bully so hard he fell over. We were inseperable since that moment. I was basically attached to her hip. She was my only girl friend at the time, see. And Skyler too, I suppose, but Skye wasn't nearly as close to me as Kiki. We were still great, though, all three of us. And then we went to Hogwarts together and I was so glad both Kiki and I ended up in Slytherin. And then...well, and then Victoria came along and suddenly they formed The Trinity and I felt like I was shoved out of the circle. I was hurt and confused, and pretty angry with Tori for stealing my friends like that - I saw it that way at first, I mean. But then I grew out of it. Kiki's still my best friend, what did I care if she had two other best friends and they'd formed a group? I mean, like I said, she was still my best friend, even if I'm not exactly hers. I could share sort-of. Anyways. I always have a great time with Keeks, haha. She's amazing to be around and I just...I love her. She's my best friend, my protector, my confidant, the whole enchilida. I really just can't live without her."[/COLOR][/SIZE] kiki says;[/FONT] "Awe, I freakin’ love Audrey. Just like Chace, our families threw us together on accident when we were younger, just a part of being in a high class society family. I wasn’t sure what to think of Audrey when I first met her, but once I saw little kids making fun of her stutter, I lost it. I pushed this kid to the ground once so he’d stop bothering her. I wasn’t having any of it. Audrey’s my girl. She was like the third amigo to me when it was just me and Skye. We hadn’t met Tori yet, so Audrey was like my other half. I stuck to her like glue all through my childhood, and when we got to Hogwarts and realized we were in the same house, we got really excited. Tori came in and kindof took Audrey’s place, but she’s always been my friend. I love going through her trunk to borrow clothes, and I let he wear my shoes whenever she wants. She’s a sweetheart, really, and I’ll be looking out for her for as long as I can. "[/COLOR][/SIZE] audrey thinks;[/FONT] 'She's one of the few people in the world who I'll honestly give my whole being for. Walk through fire, over glass, blah blah, the whole enchilada. Haha. Love you, my Keeks <3'[/SIZE] kiki thinks;[/FONT] 'Audrey's a saint, and I'd do just about anything for her.'[/SIZE][/CENTER]
Post by luke on Feb 27, 2010 1:09:23 GMT -5
Lucas Rialto Juarez sixteen/hufflepuff/i'll fill in``INSEPERABLEwe've gotta meet half way ``OTHERHALFvoice reminds me of a friend ``LIKEFAMILYtake my hand, i'll bring you safely to home ``BESTFRIENDSthe road we take will be the long one ``CONFIDANTso hold on tight, don't leave me ``COMPETITIONtake ten steps now turn and draw ``CURRENTTFLINGi stole your heart, ripped it out ``FORBIDDENa day when I am not afraid to look away ``FRIENDSWITHBENEFITSbittersweet every touch, still burning in my memory ``FLIRTi'll stay true to my heart and myself ``EMOTIONALSUPPORTdon't stand alone, you can count on me ``GOODINFLUENCEopen your eyes and repeat after me ``ADMIRATIONhere's an offer you can't refuse ``RESPECTface the truth ``PROTECTIVEOFKIKIyou're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies [/COLOR] character says;[/FONT] Oh Dios, Kiki. I have to admit, we weren't really friends until the day I came out. It was a progression of times we hung out over the rest of the shoolyear that got us where we are, but now I wouldn't trade this girl for the world. I've never met anyone I connect with like I do with her, and of course there's always the fact that she's gorgeous and knows her way around a closet (in more ways that one). And oh my god, her shoes. Honestly, it's a little ridiculous that it's taken us so long to be friends. More recently we've bonded over heartbreak and cookie dough, but it's going to be a while before we get sick of each other. I'm not even sure if a day will come where that is possible. Kiki is quote possibly the definition of the girl I would marry...if she weren't a girl. We've actually had this conversation quite a few times, and Kiki often tells me how annoyed she is that I'm gay. Oh well, if I weren't we wouldn't be able to talk about shoes. Or boys. She's the kind of girl I see myself being friends with for a really long time, if only because she brings a little stability to the life I can't ever seem to take control of. Love you, Honey Bee.[/COLOR][/SIZE] plotowner says;[/FONT] "leave this part for me to fill in"[/COLOR][/SIZE] character thinks;[/FONT] "Love this girl to death. She's my Honey Bee."[/SIZE] plotowner thinks;[/FONT] once again, please leave this for me to fill in'[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t286/smoothlikebutters/Luke/Icons/icon45.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t286/smoothlikebutters/Luke/Icons/icon46-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t286/smoothlikebutters/Luke/Icons/icon47-1.jpg[/IMG] [color=404040][size=6][FONT=GEORGIA][i][COLOR=33CCFF]Lucas Rialto Juarez[/COLOR] sixteen/hufflepuff/i'll fill in[/i][/font][/size][/color] [FONT=GEORGIA][COLOR=404040]``INSEPERABLE[color=6633FF]we've gotta meet half way[/color] ``OTHERHALF[color=6141FF]voice reminds me of a friend[/color] ``LIKEFAMILY[color=5D4FFF]take my hand, i'll bring you safely to home[/color] ``BESTFRIENDS[color=585DFF]the road we take will be the long one[/color] ``CONFIDANT[color=4694FF]so hold on tight, don't leave me[/color] ``COMPETITION[color=ACF39D]take ten steps now turn and draw[/color] ``CURRENTTFLING[color=FF4F82]i stole your heart, ripped it out[/color] ``FORBIDDEN[color=FF6F99]a day when I am not afraid to look away[/color] ``FRIENDSWITHBENEFITS[color=FF7D99]bittersweet every touch, still burning in my memory[/color] ``FLIRT[color=FF8B99]i'll stay true to my heart and myself[/color] ``EMOTIONALSUPPORT[color=CC11DD]don't stand alone, you can count on me[/color] ``GOODINFLUENCE[color=CC1AE6]open your eyes and repeat after me[/color] ``ADMIRATION[color=CC2BF7]here's an offer you can't refuse[/color] ``RESPECT[color=CC33FF]face the truth[/color] ``PROTECTIVEOFKIKI[color=CC66FF]you're my Sun, my Moon, my Skies[/color][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=5][COLOR=404040][FONT=GEORGIA]character says;[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=GEORGIA][SIZE=4][I]Oh Dios, Kiki. I have to admit, we weren't really friends until the day I came out. It was a progression of times we hung out over the rest of the shoolyear that got us where we are, but now I wouldn't trade this girl for the world. I've never met anyone I connect with like I do with her, and of course there's always the fact that she's gorgeous and knows her way around a closet (in more ways that one). And oh my god, her [b]shoes[/b]. Honestly, it's a little ridiculous that it's taken us so long to be friends. More recently we've bonded over heartbreak and cookie dough, but it's going to be a while before we get sick of each other. I'm not even sure if a day will come where that is possible. Kiki is quote possibly the definition of the girl I would marry...if she weren't a girl. We've actually had this conversation quite a few times, and Kiki often tells me how annoyed she is that I'm gay. Oh well, if I weren't we wouldn't be able to talk about shoes. Or boys. She's the kind of girl I see myself being friends with for a really long time, if only because she brings a little stability to the life I can't ever seem to take control of. Love you, Honey Bee.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][COLOR=404040][FONT=GEORGIA]plotowner says;[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=GEORGIA][SIZE=4][I]"leave this part for me to fill in"[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=5][FONT=GEORGIA]character thinks;[/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=404040][FONT=GEORGIA][SIZE=4][I]"Love this girl to death. She's my Honey Bee."[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][FONT=GEORGIA]plotowner thinks;[/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=404040][FONT=GEORGIA][SIZE=4][I]once again, please leave this for me to fill in'[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]